
Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH

Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH (RWM), based in Unterlüß, is a leading supplier of weapon systems and ammunition for infantry, direct and indirect fire, as well as for pyrotechnics and protection systems. In addition to its headquarters in Unterlüß, RWM has branches in Düsseldorf, Neuenburg, Oberndorf, Silberhütte, Trittau, Schneizlreuth/Fronau and Rijswijk in the Netherlands. 

  1. RWM specializes in the development and production of large calibre weapon systems and ammunition, including for example the main armament of the Leopard 2, the world's top-performing tank and the SMArt 155 sensor-fuzed ammunition for the artillery.
  2. Together with RWM Schweiz AG, the company also forms a centre of excellence for medium calibre automatic cannon, weapon systems and ammunition. Its chief products include vehicle-mounted weapons, aircraft cannons, naval guns and ammunition, as well as ammunition for anti-aircraft systems.
  3. Furthermore, protection systems and pyrotechnics are part of the RWM range of products, rounded off by the range of Rheinmetall Waffe Munition Arges GmbH. These include, for example, the MASS naval countermeasures system as well as practice ammunition, 40 mm ammunition, non-lethal agents, flash and stun grenades (used by numerous SWAT teams), and other pyrotechnics.
  4. In addition, the product range is rounded out by a wide array of services, like training courses for operating and maintenance as well as life cycle services which become more and more important.
  5. At Unterluess (northern Germany) and Ochsenboden (Switzerland), Rheinmetall operates the largest and best-equipped private-sector proving grounds in Europe. On behalf of the company's domestic and foreign customers, systems and components are subjected to comprehensive testing at both proving grounds, while defence technology quality inspections are carried out during all stages of the product development process.


In 2004, Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH was formed by a step-by-step merger of Rheinmetall W&M GmbH, Mauser-Werke Oberndorf Waffensysteme GmbH, BUCK Neue Technologien GmbH, Pyrotechnik Silberhuette GmbH and NICO-Pyrotechnik Hanns-Jürgen Diederichs GmbH & Co. KG. Rheinmetall thus brought under centralized, streamlined management an important part of its weapon and munitions's activities.
The range of products and services of RWM includes:

Direct fire

  • Smoothbore guns for main battle tanks
  • Ammunition for main battle tanks
  • Automatic cannons
  • Aircraft cannons
  • Light naval gun systems
  • Medium calibre ammunition

Indirect fire

  • Artillery guns
  • Artillery ammunition
  • Sensor fused ammunition
  • Mortar weapon systems
  • Mortar ammunition
  • Grenade launchers


  • 40 mm ammunition
  • Illumination and signal devices
  • Coloured and screening smoke
  • Stun grenades
  • Irritant cartridges

Protection systems

  • Armour systems
  • Vehicle protection systems
  • Naval multi ammunition softkill systems
  • Airborne advanced flares
  • Multispectral smoke grenades
  • High-performance microwave technology
  • Protection systems for facilities and installations
Logo of the EU funded ACROSS project – Adaptive Camouflage foR sOldierS and vehicleS
Adaptive Camouflage foR sOldierS and vehicleS
Rheinmetall is a member of the consortium for the EU-funded ACROSS project. The project aims to push the undergoing technological effort addressing adaptive camouflage for protection of land systems.
Rheinmetall maintains its own test centres and various testing laboratories. The EZU test centre at Unterluess in northern Germany is one of the largest and best-equipped private proving grounds in Europe.
  • Environmental simulation / laboratories
  • Proving ground
  • Measuring technology
  • Temperature test facilities
  • Workshops
  • Presentation, testing and training
Rheinmetall Unterlüß

Heinrich-Ehrhardt-Straße 2

29345 Unterluess



Phone: +49 5827 80-02

Fax: +49 5827 10 90


Branch Buck Neuenburg

Hans-Buck-Straße 1

79395 Neuenburg am Rhein



Phone: +49 7631 702-0

Fax: +49 7631 702-70


Branch Mauser Oberndorf

Werkstraße 2

78727 Oberndorf



Phone: +49 7423 70-0

Fax: +49 7423 70-670


Branch Buck Fronau

Fronau 13

83458 Schneizlreuth



Phone: +49 8651 703-0

Fax: +49 8651 703-70


Branch Pyrotechnik Silberhütte

Kreisstraße 2

OT Silberhütte

06493 Harzgerode



Phone: +49 39484 70-0

Fax: +49 39484 70-590


Branch Nico Trittau

Bei der Feuerwerkerei 4

22946 Trittau



Phone: +49 4154 805-0

Fax: +49 4154 805-222


Branch Düsseldorf

Rheinmetall Platz 1

40476 Dusseldorf



Phone: +49 211 473-01

Fax: +49 211 473-4249

Branch Netherlands

Laan van Vredenoord 33

2289 DA Rijswijk



Phone: +31 70 82 00 800

Fax: +31 70 82 00 809